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Why a Membership?

Exclusive access

Join our Member Club for unparalleled access to specialized consultancy services and exclusive animal offerings. 

Expert Guidance

Benefit from personalized guidance provided by our experienced professionals, catering to both seasoned breeders and passionate beginners. 

Community Connection

Connect with a community of like-minded enthusiasts, breeders, and professionals, fostering knowledge exchange and shared experiences.

Closed Trading Group

Enjoy the added perk of entry into our closed trading and exchange group, facilitating exclusive transactions among members. 

Priority Privileges

Experience year-round access, priority event invitations, and online information posts about breeding and feeding.

Exclusive Savings

Enjoy exclusive savings and discounts on selected purchases, making your experience even more rewarding! 


- On demand search operations for you for the most special and endangered breeds!

- On demand project consultancy for aviaries, and feeding programs.

Welcome to Our Exclusive Member Club!

Unlock a world of privileges and expertise by becoming a member of our distinguished community at Dumbanoğlu Çiftliği. As a devoted enthusiast and professional, joining our closed Member Club offers you a unique opportunity to elevate your passion for animals to new heights.

What Membership Entails:

1. Consultancy Services: Gain access to personalized consultancy services provided by our team of experienced professionals. Whether you're a seasoned breeder or a passionate beginner, our experts are here to guide you every step of the way.

2. Exclusive Animal Offerings: Enjoy the privilege of purchasing rare and special animals that are exclusively available to our members. From unique breeds to exotic species, our curated selection is tailored to meet the preferences of our discerning members.

3. Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded enthusiasts, breeders, and professionals within our exclusive community. Share insights, experiences, and knowledge with individuals who share your passion for animal breeding and care.

4. Closed Trading and Exchange Group: As an additional benefit, gain entry into our closed trading and exchange group where members can engage in exclusive transactions and exchanges. Trade insights, experiences, and even animals with other members, enhancing the collaborative spirit of our community.

Membership Benefits:

- Year-Round Access: Your membership ensures year-round access to the latest insights, consultancy services, and exclusive animal offerings.

- Priority Access to Events: Be the first to know about and attend special events, workshops, and gatherings organized exclusively for our members.

- Discounts and Promotions: Enjoy exclusive discounts and promotions on selected products and services available through our platform.

Costs of Membership:

Join our community with an annual membership fee of €30, unlocking a year of exclusive benefits and privileges in the world of animal breeding.

For information:

WhatsApp tel no. 0090 (0)546 86 86 266

Dumbanoğlu Çiftliği
Dumbanoğlu Tarım Yem ve Hayvancılıkşti.
Kökez köyü no.176 
64802 Sivaslı/ Uşşak - TÜRKİYE

Sivaslı Mal Müdürlüğü VAT number 3141122131
Milli Parklar Müdürlüğü Üretici number 640001 (license no.)

How to Join:

Becoming a member is simple! Click the "Create an account" button, fill out the membership application. You will receive a welcome e-mail with further information; pay the annual fee and Volia !   Once approved, you'll step into a world where your passion for animals is not just a hobby but a cherished lifestyle.

Note: Our Member Club operates on an annual fee basis, which contributes to the exclusive privileges and services we offer. Join Dumbanoğlu Çiftliği's Member Club today and elevate your passion for animal breeding to extraordinary heights!